OpenORB TradingService ---------------------- - removed reference to the JDK tools.jar from build.xml to allow compilation on OSX - Renamed "enum" variables to allow compilation on JDK 1.5 Version 1.4.0 BETA2 - July, 29 2004 - TradingService_1_4_0_BETA2 - Applied patch for bug #799051. It was not possible to override a property mode. Contributed by Sylvain Leblanc (sleblanc _at_ users _dot_ sf _dot_ net). - Applied various patches contributed by Richard G. Hash (richard _dot_ hash _at_ openspirit _dot_ com): Changes are to not throw exceptions using the default constructor for exceptions that take string args. If you are running against an orb that doesn't allow null strings to be marshalled these cause BAD_PARAM. Also fixed line 210 of the Lookup.query() method where the tbl.get() wasn't using the correct argument to look up the property(s). This would cause a CosTrading.Property[] array to be created with null contents, causing a CORBA_UNKNOWN on the client side. - Fixed a bug in the service tupe compiler. When not using the keyword mandatory then the PROP_NORMAL was used but a trailing semi-colon was not appended. - Added a test case to verify the previous fix. - Fixed bug #905379 (NPE in withdraw_with_constraint). - Upgraded to checkstyle 3.3. - Fixed various warnings Eclipse 3.0M6 complained about. - Added Eclipse project files (.project and .classpath) the project can now easily be imported by New->Project->Import From existing Source - Placed compiler cache files in build directory, caches are now deleted by invoking the build target "clean" - Added cachefile attribute to stdl2java ant task to allow the user to control the cachefile location (old behaviour and new default is to use the current directory) Version 1.4.0 BETA1 - December, 19 2003 - TradingService_1_4_0_BETA1 - Converted the trading service executable classes to use the OpenORB service framework. - Added a patch from Sylvain Leblanc for bug #802590 . - Removed the setConfig scripts, use the updateConfig scripts from tools instead. - Added shell scripts for ServiceTypeRepository: strepo. - Moved build script logic into Ant files. - Added a UNIX shell script for the service type description language compiler (stdljava). - Added an Ant Task stdl2java, very similar (and inherited) from the idl2java task. Does dependency checking as well. - Moved the examples into the common folder hierarchy: src/examples/org/openorb//examples. - Register the two servers under a common NameService hierarchy: "COS/TradingService/*". - Moved plugin jar file to ManagementBoard package - Adapted usage of OpenORB classes to new package structure. - Updated version number to 1.4.0. - The class ReleaseInfo has been removed for simplicity reasons. Version 1.3.0 - September, 27 2002 - TradingService_1_3_0 - Added use of corbaloc service. Patch contributed by Erik Putrycz. (erik _dot_ putrycz _at_ int-evry _dot_ fr) - HTML documentation is showing the pictures as in the pdf file now. - Fixed bug #511013. Patch contributed by Adam Cassar (adam _dot_ cassar _at_ netregistry _dot_ com _dot_ au) - Make work with the latest cygwin version. The script was using a variable OSTYPE that is not available in sh. The official way to get the name of the platform is uname which is now used for determining the CLASSPATH separator. Version 1.3.0 BETA2 - August, 10 2002 - TradingService_1_3_0_BETA2 - Added patch by Diego Sevilla Ruiz (dsevilla _at_ um _dot_ es) for the install target of the build.xml. The new version copies the files to the path specified by the property install.path just as if you extract one of the binary tarballs. - Fixed the trader.xml file and the link to the trader module in the class to make the Trader startable, i.e. it was not coming up before due to XML and XMLLink bugs. - Make the install target in build.xml copy all jars from the dist directory to the specified install location. - Added dump-info target to build.xml to show the basic settings that are used by ant. - Add support for xalan on JDK 1.4 to build.xml. Otherwise the compile-docbook target does not work. Version 1.3.0 BETA1 - June, 19 2002 - TradingService_1_3_0_BETA1 - Added a checkstyle target to build.xml. The command " checkstyle" checks the source code for adherence to the Jakarta coding conventions. - Changed all Class.forName() calls to Thread.currentThread().getContextLoader().loadClass() This is safer when having multiple class loaders. - Removed references to the deprecated class ContextUtilities from the ORB core package. Use the standard way now to get a reference to the NameService. - Removed the evaluator jar. The latest version from the EvaluatorUtility package is used now. - Added file to influence the ant build process locally. - now works under Cygwin, patch submitted by David Blevins ( - Converted the time.xml file to docbook format. Build.xml creates pdf and html output now. - Merged install.txt and src/etc/README files. Moved src/etc files CHANGELOG, README, and LICENSE to the base directory of the package and renamed CHANGELOG to WHATSNEW (Jakarta style). - Switched to template based manifest files. - Aligned code to the Apache/Jakarta coding guidlines (Normal and generated code). Version 1.2.1 - January, 11 2002 - TradingService_1_2_1 - NONE Version 1.2.0 - August, 8 2001 - TradingService_1_2_0 - NONE Version 1.1.0 - May, 7 2001 - TradingService_1_1_0 - Modified build.xml and some other files to use small case for PSS generated classes. - Changed the initial reference path to use the DefaultInitRef flag. - The Trader Jar file now embeds the IDL files. - The Trading Service Server has been updated to automatically include the embedded configuration. Don't require anymore a specific profile. - Modified the build.xml to generate the manifest file directly and to reference the main jar in the plugin jar. Version 1.0.0 - February, 1 2001 - TradingService_1_0_0 - Initial Release